Need to do your trader taxes? We can generate your Form 8949 & Schedule D in minutes!
Limited-Time Offer

Get Tax Professional Access for only $199/yr

Sign up now and experience a tax solution built by a tax professional for tax professionals!

Retail price is $500/yr. This offer is valid exclusively for attendees of the 2023 Orlando Tax Conference. 

Get Access

Save time and money. Start helping your clients with TraderFyles today.

This offer is valid exclusively for attendees of the 2023 Orlando Tax Conference and only available for a limited time.

Tax Software for Tax Professionals

Built for Tax Professionals, by a Tax Professional

TraderFyles is not just another tax software. It’s a solution crafted from the hands-on experience and specialized knowledge of our founder, Brian Rivera.
headshot of Brian Rivera, CPA

Founder and Ceo

Brian Rivera is an active trader, entrepreneur, Certified Public Accountant, and owner of Trader Tax CPA, LLC — a leading firm specialized in providing tax compliance and preparation services to active traders.

client dashboard

Keep track of your clients in a simple dashboard

We allow tax professionals to manage an unlimited amount of clients easily.

image of the client management dashboard in the Traderfyles app
image of a report from Audit My Broker in TraderFyles app
Detailed tax reports

Instantly generate tax reports

Automatically generate tax reports based on your clients’ transactions. You’ll get full access to the clients’ IRS Form 8949, Schedule D (Form 1040), Permanent Disallowed Wash Sale Report, and Transaction Report.

we do the math

Most advanced wash sale algorithm

Our wash sale algorithm is fully tax compliant and will help your clients get ahead of the IRS wash sale requirements and calculate the wash sales their broker can’t report.

image of algorithmic code

Join the experience

Save time and money. Start helping your clients now.